Other Ways to Help the Guild
When you shop at Tom Thumb, they will donate 1% of your eligible purchases to QGOA.
Print this form, complete using QGOA account number #14134, and either turn it in at the store’s Customer Service desk or scan the form back to [email protected]. Or you can e-mail your name, card# or phone# associated with your card and our charity #14134 to [email protected].
Use your Remarkable/Reward/Loyalty Card every time you shop to enable donations to be allocated to QGOA.
When you shop at Kroger, they will donate a percentage of your eligible purchases to QGOA.
Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com and choose your preferred store, create a login and link your Plus Cards to your account. Then enter NPO #DK701.
Use your Plus Card every time you shop to enable donations to be allocated to QGOA.